Announcing Kanoa MES Version 1.2!

1 min read
Feb 20, 2024 1:00:00 AM

We are excited to announce the release of Kanoa MES Version 1.2!

This release formalizes the three parts of our Kanoa MES solutions: the Kanoa MES Modules, the Kanoa MES Accelerator Project for Ignition, and the Kanoa MES database.

Kanoa MES is a powerful suite of Smart Manufacturing tools powered by Inductive Automation's Ignition platform. Kanoa's solutions are designed to provide your factory with new production management, analysis, and control tools that provide value from Day 1 and continue to grow with your team and your business.

Keep an eye on our LinkedIn and YouTube this week for more details and videos on Kanoa MES 1.2!

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