Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to have Ignition to use Kanoa MES?

Kanoa's MES modules are built for and extend the Ignition platform. You can learn more about Ignition on the Inductive Automation webpage.

Does Kanoa MES need its own Ignition server?
Technically no, but we recommend it

We recommend Kanoa MES run on its own Ignition server, but it is not a requirement. Running Kanoa MES on an existing Ignition system is a great way to get started with the software and get familiar with the platform. Kanoa generally recommends separating production-critical control systems like SCADA from data and analysis systems like Kanoa MES.

What Ignition modules are required to run Kanoa MES?
Ignition Platform and Perspective

Kanoa MES is built for Ignition 8.1 and is a Perspective-only application. The Ignition Platform and Perspective module are required. Other Ignition modules may be required to satisfy other project requirements, like additional communication drivers or a Tag Historian.

What communication protocols does Kanoa MES support?
Any data you can get into Ignition

Kanoa MES can use any data that can get into Ignition. We recommend MQTT if and when possible.

What databases does Kanoa MES support?
Microsoft SQL Recommended

Kanoa MES is designed to take advantage of the power of Microsoft SQL server, and is our preferred database software. We do have a MySQL version that may be provided as-needed

Do I need a database/SQL server to use Kanoa MES?

Yes. Kanoa MES does require a SQL database. Our software can use an existing database, or we can help you buy additional database licenses to support Kanoa MES.

What versions of Ignition does Kanoa Support
Ignition 8.1

Kanoa is built on Ignition 8.1 and we strive to keep it up-to-date with all of the latest Ignition releases.

Can I use the Kanoa modules in my custom Ignition project?
It depends

We have a lot of important content in the Kanoa APP project that you get with any Kanoa module purchase, including all of our Configuration tools. We encourage users to take advantage of Ignition's project inheritance features to start with the Kanoa APP project and expand and extend from there.

That being said, you'll have access to all of the Kanoa APIs that we've used to create the Kanoa APP. So you could, in theory, use Kanoa MES without our Ignition project (but we generally don't recommend it).

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